Become a tutor
For IP professionals with a passion and commitment to tutoring, we have opportunities to share this passion and expertise by becoming a JDD course tutor.
Face-to-face and remote course tutoring
If you are interested in tutoring on our PEB and/or EQE residential or remote (Zoom-based) revision courses, please email with details of:
- Which course(s) you would like to tutor
- What relevant professional and tutoring experience you will bring
- What ideas you have for how you will tutor the course
Our courses are typically 1-2 days long, but will involve pre-course preparation of relevant materials and can involve setting and marking pre-course work (for which you will be paid).
We pay daily rates for tutoring and additional payments in cases where there is substantial preparation of pre-course materials.
Online emoderators
In 2016 we introduced an online Moodle discussion forum for our EQE 2016 and PEB 2016 courses. This provides a medium for students’ pre- and post-course peer-to-peer discussion and support on issues relating to the various exam papers. We are also planning to set up a number of pre- and post-course activities.
To help support and guide discussions, we are looking to recruit a number of emoderators. These positions are likely to suit recently qualified practitioners, with recent experience of taking the exams.
We will have the following emoderator positions: Foundation Certificate papers; FD1; FD2 and 3; FD4; and the EQE.
Emoderators will receive fees.
If you are interested in an emoderator position, please email