Our revision courses for EQE 2024 – dates announced and booking is now open


We have agreed dates with our tutors for our revision courses for EQE 2024. Please see our EQE pages and EQE 2024 courses leaflet.

Our suites of Papers A and B, C and D courses are in the weeks 13-18 November 2023 and between 27 November and 1 December 2023. There is also a Zoom-based 2-day Paper C course on 20-21 November 2023 and a further 2-day in-person Papers A and B course on 4-5 December 2023. You can take, one, two or three courses and there is a special discount of £140+vat if you book a full suite of A-D courses.

Excepting the 24/E6 Paper C Zoom-course on 20-21 November, the courses will be held in-person at a training centre in Milton Keynes. The course fees include one night’s accommodation and related meals. [If accommodation is not required, there is a £100+vat discount on the course fee].

Our popular course for the EQE Pre-exam is on 27-28 November 2023.

All these revision courses are supported by our Moodle discussion forum and online resources centre.