Booking via our website and phone is now open for our revision courses for the PEB 2023 exams.
We have agreed dates with tutors for our revision courses for the Foundation Certificate (FC) and (with the exception of two FD1 courses) for the Final Diploma (FD) papers for the 2023 PEB Exams. For a preview of course dates, see the course leaflet. Leaflet PEB 2023
The FC courses include three in-person (FC1, FC3 and FC4) and two Zoom-based (FC2 and FC5) courses and will be held between 26 June and 15 July.
The FD courses include 4 Zoom-based and three in person courses for FD1, in-person courses for FD2 and FD3 and five in-person courses and one Zoom-based course for FD4, plus one in-person and one Zoom-based FD4 resitter course.
The FD4 options include three popular ‘split’ FD4 courses. These integrated 2.5-day courses are intended for those taking FD4 for the first time and involve two parts:
– Part 1 in mid-May or early June: a 1-day introduction to FD4 and initial practice session, after which attendees will be asked to attempt a specified past paper, for tutor review.
– Part 2 in mid-July: feedback on the paper attempted in June; guidance on and practice of how to analyse an FD4 paper, how to write the answer, what gets marks and what will not, how to get a good inventive step answer down on paper, the advice section etc. This will be followed by practice of another past paper (for tutor review).
– Part 3 in September: the group will meet for a 2-hour Zoom session to discuss the answers to the paper attempted to cover any further points and queries on FD4.
The JDD Team