Our revision courses for e-EQE 2025 – dates have been announced and bookings are open


We have agreed dates with our tutors for our revision courses for e-EQE 2025 – see EQE 2025 leaflet. Bookings are now open.

Each course is 2-days in duration and there are alternative Papers A&B, Paper C and Paper D course options. One of the Paper C courses is Zoom-based. The other courses are in-person in Milton Keynes.

The main group of courses are being held between 26-29 November 2024. There are two other courses in the succeeding week.

You can take, one, two or three courses and there is a special discount of £140+vat if you book a full suite of A-D courses.

The fees for the in-person courses include one night’s accommodation and related meals. [If accommodation is not required, there is a £100+vat discount on the course fee].

You can book online or using this EQE 2025 booking form.

All these revision courses are supported by our Moodle discussion forum and online resources centre.