PEB revision courses
We offer a full set of Foundation Certificate (FC) and Final Diploma (FD) residential and remote (Zoom-based) revision courses for the October 2024 PEB examinations. We are holding these courses in June, July, August and September because the PEB exams are in late October.
The in person residential courses are in Milton Keynes at a training venue which also has leisure features for delegates to unwind before and after course sessions. The 1.5-2-day day in person courses all include the cost of accommodation and meals (lunch, dinner and breakfast) in the course fee. (If you do not want accommodation, dinner and breakfast, we will discount the course fee by £100+VAT).
Most of our summer 2024 courses will be held in person, but there will be Zoom-based courses for FC2, FC5, FD1 and FD4.
Foundation Certificate Courses: 24 June to 9 September 2024
Our Foundation Certificate courses have a significant ‘imparting key information’ element. Attendees will be provided with pre-course guidance soon after registering. This includes guidance on work and reading to do before the course, including (in some cases) past questions to attempt. During the course, you will receive material covering key parts of the syllabus and there will be presentations by the tutor(s), discussions, exercises and practice and feedback on past questions. The courses are held in June-July so to enable you to build upon the guidance and materials provided at the courses through further practice of past questions and filling in gaps in your knowledge. The FC1, FC3 and FC4 courses will be held in person and the FC2 and FC5 courses virtually (using Zoom). FC4 is a split course, with 1.5 days in person covering key parts of the syllabus on 26-27 June and one-day of practice and feedback on exam questions on 9 September (via MS Teams).
Final Diploma Courses: 5 June to 23 August 2024
Our Final Diploma courses focus on strategies for tackling each paper and include significant practice of questions, with feedback from the tutor(s). Many of these courses include pre-or post-course work that involves past questions you are asked to submit answers to the tutor(s) for feedback.
There are a good range of options for different length and format courses for each paper: information on each course is set out in its course outline. We also offer the chance to take courses for FD1 and FD4 in a ‘split’ format, with intervals of several weeks between course days.
Many of those attending FD4 courses are sitting the exam for the first time and our 2.5 day split’ courses are specially designed for first timers. The tutors provide a 1-day introduction to FD4 in June, with advice on a structured approach to analysing and tackling this difficult paper. There is then tutor feedback on a past paper attendees are asked to answer after the course. Then, in mid and late July, there is a further 1.5 day of tutoring on key elements of FD4, what earns points in answers, how to produce a good inventive step etc. There is further practice and feedback on a past paper after this second part. The group then meets again in September for a 2-hour Zoom session.
For FD4 (P6) we also have:
- 2-day courses with three different sets of tutors. The Allsop/Boxall courses include tutor feedback on a past paper you are asked to answer after the course. The Leppard/Richards course includes individual practice and tailored feedback on past papers attendees practice during the course. The Smith/Turnbull course involves an approach to reading extracting relevant information from the paper in an efficient manner.
- 1.5-day re-sitter course for those who are taking FD4 (P6) again includes the chance to have your 2023 script reviewed by a tutor, with personalised guidance on ways to improve your score. This course includes tutor review and feedback on a paper you will be asked to attempt after the course. And it discusses common errors in approaching the exam and sets out a structured approach to maximise your chances of success in 2024. The course fee is reduced by £60+VAT for those who have attended a JDD FD4 or P6 course in earlier years.
Special Offers
For the Foundation Certificate and Final Diploma patent courses there are special discounts for bookings of 5 or more places/courses by a firm and substantial discounts on the cost of accommodation between courses, if you are attending consecutive in person courses. Details are in the course leaflet and on the Foundation Certificate and Final Diploma pages of this website.