e-EQE exam revision courses

EQE exam and pre-exam revision courses

We offer revision courses for candidates preparing for the March 2025 e-European Qualifying Examinations (EQE) for Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office. Our in-person suites of Papers A&B, C and D courses in Milton Keynes are being held between 26 November and 3 December 2024. We also have two 2 day Paper C course, delivered via Zoom, on 18-19 November and 5-6 December 2024.

Fees for the in-person courses include a night’s accommodation at the training venue, in Milton Keynes, during each 2 day course, along with related meals. If accommodation is not required, the course fee is reduced by £100+vat.

All courses are supported by access to our online Moodle discussion and resources forum.

Our courses focus on methods and techniques for exam success, with advice from the tutors and feedback on exam questions you will practice. We have achieved excellent success rates over recent years.

We have extended the Paper C and D courses from 1.5 days to 2-days for EQE 2025.

Our courses can be taken on a single or linked modular basis to fit your needs. Our EQE 2025 revision courses leaflet contains a course calendar and more information. You can book online or can book by post using our EQE 2025 booking form

Our revision courses for e-EQE 2025 are listed below

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e-EQE Exam courses – Paper D Law

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e-EQE Exam courses – Paper C Opposition

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e-EQE Exam courses – Papers A & B Drafting & Amendment

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Our courses will be held in person at a training centre in Milton Keynes. The in-person course fee includes 1 night’s accommodation and related meals. If accommodation is required a night before a course, the cost is £100+vat (with dinner & breakfast) or £80+vat (with breakfast only). Accommodation (with meals) between courses is offered at a special rate of £80+vat.

Special offers

We offer a 5% discount for booking of five or more places by a firm. We calculate this discount on a cumulative basis. So there is no need to delay submitting an order, as once your firm’s booking reaches five or more we will apply the discount retrospectively across all bookings made. We also calculate the discount on the basis of numbers booked by the firm overall, not by each of its offices. The 5% discount does not apply in cases where a £140 discount (for Papers A-D) has been applied.
EQE exam revision courses special offer
If a full suite of three courses (Papers A&B, C and D) is booked by a student, the fee will be reduced by £140+VAT on the normal cost.