You can reserve a place on our May, June, July and, August PEB courses and our November and December EQE courses, by completing our Online booking form below. Alternatively you can book by the following methods:
You may e-mail your requirements to
No longer available
We are happy to take provisional bookings by telephone which should then be confirmed by e-mail/Online booking or in writing within 7 days.
You may telephone the Course Booking Office on 01234-294049 or 07791-959630.
You can also pay by debit card/credit card by phone.
Complete and return a booking form you have received by post or you can download here:
JDD Consultants
Course Booking Office
5 Tennyson Road
Bedford MK40 3SB
Booking office address
JDD Consultants
Course Booking Office
5 Tennyson Road
Bedford MK40 3SB