We have agreed dates with our tutors for our revision courses for EQE 2022 – please see our EQE pages and EQE 2022 courses leaflet. Our suites of Papers A&B, C and D courses are in the weeks 8-13, 15-18 and 22-26 November 2021 – you can take, one, two or three courses and there is a special discount of …
Zoom-based FD3 course (on 22-23 July 2021) has been added
In response to demand from those situated a long-distance from the training venue in Milton Keynes, we have added a Zoom-based FD3 (Amendment of Specifications) course (with numbers limited to 10) tutored by Peter Gray on 22-23 July 2021. It will be a 1.5 day course spread over 2 days, with regular breaks because of the Zoom-format.