Our revision courses for EQE 2022: dates are 8-13, 15-18 and 22-26 November 2021


We have agreed dates with our tutors for our revision courses for EQE 2022 – please see our EQE pages and EQE 2022 courses leaflet.

Our suites of Papers A&B, C and D courses are in the weeks 8-13, 15-18 and 22-26 November 2021 – you can take, one, two or three courses and there is a special discount of £140+vat if you book a full suite of A-D courses.

Covid-permitting, we plan to hold the 22-26 November courses in-person at a training centre in Milton Keynes. If the Covid situation deteriorates in autumn 2021 we will review whether to switch courses to Zoom. The courses between 8-13 and 15-18 November will be held online using Zoom.

Our popular course for the EQE Pre-exam is on 22-23 November 2021.

All these revision courses are supported by our Moodle discussion forum and online resources centre.