Below is the current status (as at 9am on 31 July) of places still available on our courses for the PEB and EQE examinations.
PEB courses
Courses full: 19A; 19B; 19C; 19D; 19E; 19F; 19G; 19H; 19I; 19J; 19K; 19L; 19P; 19Q; 19R; 19S; 19V.
Courses with 3 or fewer places left: 19M; 19N, 19O; 19W.
EQE courses
Courses E2, E3, E8 and E9 have 5 or more places left
Course E1 has 4 places left
Courses E4 and E6 have 2 or fewer and places left
Courses: E5 and E7 are full
*** We have added a further Paper C course, E8 on 19-20 November (with Chris Mercer) and Papers A&B course, E9 on 21-22 November (with Iain Russell and Guy Warner) ***