Extra Paper D course on 16-17 November
In response to high demand, the Paper D tutors have agreed to hold a further revision course for EQE Paper D, 21 E10 on Mon-Tue 16-17 November 2020. This course, will be held remotely using Zoom-meetings.
Our other Papers A&B, Paper C and Paper D course between 9-13 November and 20-21 November will be held remotely, using Zoom meetings.
Potential further Paper C course in December
The Paper C tutor has agreed to add a further (fourth) course in December if there is further demand.
Refresher courses for EQE 2021 candidates
For those of you who attended our EQE courses in November-December 2020 in preparation for EQE 2020 (cancelled because of Covid-19), we are holding 1-day Zoom-based Refresher courses for Paper C and Paper D. These are intended to bring you back-to-speed for the exams in 2021 and will involve course members practising a specified paper during the course and going through areashere you need specific assistance. The Paper C Refresher will be on 6 November and the Paper D Refresher on 14 November 2020.
For those seeking refresher assistance on Papers A&B, please email us and we can connect you to the tutors for advice and help.
Ian Derbyshire
JDD Consultants