Our analysis of the PEB 2016 exam results indicates that 2016 was once again a good year for Foundation Certificate candidates, with pass rates high, although FC2 (English Law) was a more difficult paper than usual. For those taking the Final Diploma (FD) papers, it was a typical year in terms of pass rates for FD3 (P4) and FD4 (P6), but was more difficult for FD1 (P2) and especially FD2 (P3). Analysis of results of PEB 2016 exams
Overall, 203 candidates passed one or more FD paper in PEB 2016. This included 52 who passed two papers, 24 who passed three papers and ten who passed all four FD4 papers. More than half of the successful candidates attended one or more JDD course in 2016. As in earlier years, candidates who attended our courses had significantly higher average pass rates than those who did not. The differential was particularly large in the cases of FD1, FD3 and FD4. Congratulations to our tutors and for the effort put in by all the trainees who attended the 2016 courses.